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Stefy Navarro - Female Parkour Spotlight

Stefy Navarro is someone I stumbled across on the @shecanttrace insta page, and thank goodness I did! This boss is all about pushing her jumps, which for me personally, is friggin' awesome. Seemingly unafraid of bouncebacks, Stefy's page is full of her going for big jumps!

Follow her:

How long have you been training?

I have been training parkour for one year and a few months but I used to do tricks before that

What got you into parkour?

Well, I used to hang with a few guys that did parkour like 5 years ago but then I moved to another country and when I got back they didn't train anymore although there were new boys that were really nice to me and one day I just had so much energy that I decided to give it chance because I didn't really like parkour but after a fee weeks I really like how it felt, it was honestly the coolest thing I've ever tried.

What do you do for a living?

I am currently studying avionics and sometimes I work as a waitress.

Do you have any other skills/passions besides parkour? If so, what are they?

I was a gymnast when I was a kid and competed at nationals a few times so obviously my real passion is gymnastics but some things happened and I had to quit that, other than that I used to dance with a team in my old high school, I liked it a lot but I would't call it a passion.

How do you manage fear when going for something scary?

Well, I consider myself a crazy and mad person (sometimes hahaha) and sometimes if I know I can do it I just go (one time this went kind of bad but it kind of works). But for bigger things one of my closest friend just tells me "just do it because you know you'll do it correctly" and that really makes me trust myself more. And when is something I can do little by little and feel really scared I go little by little (which is almost never hahaaha at least where I'm living now hahaha.)

Do you have any obstacles that interfere with your training? If so, how do you deal?

Now that I started studying in the evenings I do have a big difficulty, plus there aren't so many guys that actually train, so everybody studies in the mornings while I train in the morning alone, and it is boring after the first hour or two hours. We also don't have a gym so I have fallen lots of time trying tricks on the grass but I think we kind of got used to that, other than that I don't feel like I have to deal with other problems yet hahaha.

What piece of advice would you give to someone starting out?

"Know yourself" because at the end that is what really matters, knowing your skills and what you can or can't do. That is very important when trying a jump and for not hurting yourself. Also be patient because this sport takes so many trying and you can get frustrated easily.

Who is a woman that inspires you and why? (in or out of parkour/freerunning)

Sasha Shevchenko. As I said before I was a gymnast when I was younger and she also was, she competed in the olympics and I always loved her passion for gymnastics. And when I figured out she started doing parkour as well I liked it because she never stopped being an athlete and it inspires me how she combines her gymnastics skill when doing parkour.

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