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Renae Dambly - Female Parkour Spotlight

Renae Dambly was one of my biggest inspirations when I started out training and has a super well-rounded skillset! She proved that this year when she podiumed in all 3 events at the North American Parkour Championships!

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How long have you been training?

I have been training parkour for about 6 years.

What got you into parkour?

My two older brothers got me into parkour. They had started classes at APEX Movement and immediately gotten hooked and I would watch the end of their classes since I was still in soccer. I was eventually invited to drop in by one of the coaches. I had a blast and asked my mom to sign me up for more!

Do you have any other skills/passions besides parkour? If so, what are they?

Besides parkour I am studying for a degree in Exercise Science and am a competitive rock climber for bouldering and speed climbing on my university's team. I also paint and bake as often as I can.

How do you manage fear when going for something scary?

Managing fear is a tough one. I often like to pretend that I'm in a comfortable place where I've performed a move multiple times. In competition I focus on my breathing and think of someone or something that brings me joy.

Do you have any obstacles that interfere with your training? If so, how do you deal?

As a full time student and a part time coach I basically have zero time to train. There is also no parkour community in Durango. I am the only one who trains here and that's incredibly unmotivating.

What piece of advice would you give to someone starting out?

For someone starting parkour, my tip is that persistence and patience are key assets, especially in building up your physical and mental strength. Hard work truly does pay off.

Who is a woman that inspires you and why? (in or out of parkour/freerunning)

My female inspiration is Lynn Jung. That was a tough one to pick cause I'm inspired my all of the women!!

Check her out ↓

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